Pietermaai 96a hotel appartements

Pietermaai 98 hotel appartements
scubalodge & suites Curacao Dutch Antilles |

Scubalodge & suites Curacao Dutch Antilles
Interior design, restoration and renovation |

Pietermaai 100 hotel appartements
scubalodge & suites Curacao Dutch Antilles |

Ressidence Amsterdam Buiteveldert
Total concept devellopment and interior design |

Tele'Train Amsterdam The Netherlands
Interior conceptmdesign and realisation |

Taco Mundo Fresh Made Mex
Conceptdevellopment and implementation |

Monumental appartment Zutphen The Netherlands
Interior design and realisation |

Monumental residence Amsterdam
Interior design, restoration and renovation |

Renovation Kitchen villa Amsterdam
Preliminary design, implemantation by owner |
